This post is an abbreviated version of a longer page on “Native American Heritage in the Upper Housatonic River Valley” by the Housatonic Heritage organization. Here, I cover only the portion that relates to a walking tour of Main Street in Stockbridge Massachusetts called “Footprints of Our Ancestors” – providing links to 12 short videos.
Here is a map of the eleven stops along the tour (there is also an introductory video).

In the list that follows, the title of each video is given, along with its duration, and a link to its YouTube presentation (accessed by clicking at the beginning of each line). You may have to endure an advertisement on the first one you see, but (in my experience) the rest follow without ads.
Introduction – Mohican Walking Tour (2:16)
Stop 1 – 50 Main Street Town Offices 7 18 20 (4:56)
Stop 2 – 47 Main Street Chief Konkapot’s Property (3:55)
Stop 3 – 46 Main Street Library and Archives 7 18 20 (3:36)
Stop 4 – 39 Main Street Captain Naunauphtaunk Home (2:35)
Stop 5 – 30 Main Street Red Lion Inn 7 18 20 (2:37)
Stop 6 – 23 Main Street Jonas Etowaukaum Home 7 18 20 (2:41)
Stop 7 – 18 Main Street Umpachenee’s Wigwam (3:24)
Stop 8 – 19 Main Street The Mission House 7 18 20 (3:04)
Stop 9 – Across from 4 Main Street, Town Cemetery (2:58)
Stop 10 – 4 6 Main Street Meeting House 7 18 20 (3:59)
Stop 11 – West of Congregational Church, Main St Burying Ground & Wnahktukook 7 18 2020 (5:33)
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